How to Store a Kringle
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Storing kringles is an excellent way to ensure that no one consumes them before a special occasion. Kringles tend to disappear quickly!
You will save yourself time and energy for any occasion because kringles are ready to serve when guests arrive. The delicious, fresh ingredients have your company thinking you spent hours in the kitchen preparing the treat.
Kringles are versatile gourmet offerings for every holiday. If you are the spur-of-the-moment type, who rushes to our store 30 minutes before the guests arrive, your table will be ready when the doorbell rings. The information we offer here, however, is for those who are the plan-ahead types who wish to have everything purchased days ahead.
How Long Do Kringles last?
Probably not too long unless you store it where family members can’t find them. If you are good at hiding things, then kringles can last anywhere between 1 week to 6 months depending on how you store them:
- At room temperature, kringles will last for 1 week
- Kringles in the refrigerator can last up to 10 days
- If kept in the freezer, kringles will last for 6 months
Can You Freeze Kringle?
Kringle can be frozen for up to 6 months. You can freeze kringles in the packaging they came in or wrap the remaining kringle in wax paper if the packaging was discarded. Freezing kringles is a good idea if you purchased too many kringles (if there is such a thing), and there are kringles left over after the festivities end. You can enjoy a weekly or monthly treat when you pull kringles from the freezer and enjoy the delicious delicacy.
How Do You Thaw Frozen Kringle?
That spur-of-the-moment type would do well to keep some frozen and pull them out as the guest’s car pulls up into the driveway. Kringles should defrost at room temperature in as little as an hour or two. You can then warm it in the oven as you savor the aroma.
Can I Refrigerate a Kringle?
Of course! You can leave your kringles at room temperature, or you can refrigerate or freeze them. It all depends on your needs and desires. Kringles will taste delicious whenever you plan on eating them, and so relax and feel free to use whatever method of storage you choose. We have some flavors, like our Key Lime Kringle, that tastes fantastic right out of the fridge!
How to Choose Kringles
Now we are ready for the easy part, whether you eat them or store them. Your creativity is the answer. We pride ourselves in our ingredients and focus on fresh and locally produced fruits and cheeses. We search for the best fruit our country offers. We source cherries from Wisconsin, apples from Michigan, and wild blueberries from Maine and Nova Scotia. The fruit is picked at its ripest and quickly folded into the sumptuous fillings of our kringles. We use velvety-smooth Wisconsin cream cheese in our Cherry Cheese Kringle.
We’ll search the world for the best ingredients, even if they are oceans away. Like how we make our Cinnamon Roll Kringle with buttery sweet Indonesian cinnamon! Our commitment is to bring you the freshest and best our earth provides, with special flavors from all over the globe.
Choose a kringle or if your looking for an adventure sign up for our Explorer’s Series, where we introduce new flavors all the time! You’ll appreciate the excellent quality that goes into each pastry and know that we only serve the highest quality ingredients that are available.
You can decide to gobble up our kringles the moment you purchase them or store them for a delightful treat at a later date. What we can assure you is that you bought the best kringles available. Enjoy a kringle today!