Sometimes the best things are done the traditional way

Patience is a least that is what we believe! Throughout the years, our parents and grandparents have stressed the importance of following the recipes and methods established in Old Denmark. That's why when we create our Kringle pastry, we gently roll butter into the dough and then let it rest overnight. We repeat the process for three consecutive days that results in our 36-layer-pastry dough. Once baked, it is exquisitely rich, yet light, tender, flaky and flavorful.
Artisan bakery inspired by the world around us

The early Danes (also referred to as Vikings!) were well known for their seafaring prowess which made them great traders and merchants. They often traveled far and wide searching for the finest goods they could find, trading in Greenland, the Middle East and even making it as far as North America and Asia. And just as the early Danes travels would have inspired their culture, our own travels across the globe have influenced us to not only create wonderfully delicious pastries, but beautiful ones as well.
Recipes handed down by generations of family

Great food, great family and great friends. It isn't uncommon for our entire family to be huddled in the kitchen discussing numerous types of food and drink that they have recently tried. And while we enjoy the excitement of creating new things, we also understand the importance of honoring our past. That is why we still reference the same traditional recipes and methods that our parents and grandparents taught us. Because you can't know where your going until you understand where you've been.